Moistened, More Breathable Air in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Occasional itchy dry skin and nasal passages are common, but did you know that adding a humidifier to your heating system can alleviate some of these common environmentally induced conditions? All Conditions HVAC, in Colorado Springs, CO, can install a humidifier on your new or existing furnace. Most homeowners are familiar with a humidifier that can be moved from room to room for added comfort, especially during a cold or respiratory condition to make the air easier to breathe. A whole house humidifier varies in that it’s installed directly into an HVAC system, where it relies on your home’s ductwork to deliver moistened air and even levels year-round.

Benefits of Whole House Humidifiers

When you add a humidifier to your heating system, it won’t take long for you and your family to notice the difference. Your home will feel cozier in the winter since properly humidified air feels warmer than dry air. This will likely allow you to feel more comfortable at a lower thermostat setting, too, which will save you money on energy bills. In addition, you’ll also get the following benefits:

  • Softer, less itchy skin
  • More comfortable nasal passages with less dryness and irritation
  • Noticeably less chapped lips

Signs Your Household Could Benefit from a Whole House Humidifier

  • Constant colds from November through March
  • Constantly dry skin and scalp
  • You have asthma or other respiratory issues
  • You run your furnace a lot
  • The wood in your home seems to be drying out
  • Excessive static electricity

Request a free quote, get information, or ask for professional advice – call our team at 719-640-1308.

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